Episode 66: Requiem for a Hobo

Episode 66: Requiem for a Hobo

Ep 66 Geoff

Peter is busting heads like they were ketchup packets.

Maybe next time I need to color an explosion of gore, the blood will be a bit darker.


Ep 66 Dolby

Peter personally attended the torture/interrogation of those he deemed to be Enemies of the Tsardom, so it's really not too far-fetched to think of him popping a man's skull open with his bare hands...

In the meantime, I find myself continually drawn back to the idea of playing an RPG set inside of the dying consumptive mind of Frederic Chopin. So drawn as to buy an XBOX 360? It would be pretty much a lock if you could have a battle party composed of George Sand, Franz Liszt, and Eugene Delacroix, but as it stands, the Nintendophile in me is standing firm.

- Count Dolby von Luckner

Ep 66 Geoff 2

John Cage attacks with ASLSP!

The enemy is afflicted with "Slow".

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