Episode 51: Soldier Food

Episode 51: Soldier Food

Ep 51 Geoff

Keeping with some semblance of posting events chronologically (even though I am posting this far in the future after my vacation has completed, and am back-dating again), the next big event on my road trip was seeing The House on the Rock in Spring Green, Wisconsin.

When His Countness picked me up from the airport, I was trying to explain the sights within:

"And then there is this room that is a maritime museum that winds around a three-story tall statue of a whale fighting a squid."
"And there is this carousel that has no horses on it, the animals are all roosters and centaurs and bulldogs and such."
"And there are these mannequin angles flying above the carousel."
"And the walls of the room are filled with wooden horses."

This stunning dialogue continued for quite some time. I haven't even touched on the life-sized diorama of Hannibal crossing the Alps or the mysteries of the Organ Room.

In closing, The House on the Rock is awesome. In the original sense of the word.


Ep 51 Dolby

To be fair, this is more a joke about an earlier school of Italian warcraft. Prior to the time of Pope Julius II and his ludicrously bloody battles to hold the papal lands together, there was a glorious though brief era of Italian military history filled with long, drawn-out battles in which the total number of casualties rarely crept into the double digits. The combatants spent most of their time picking out clothes and fancy swords before wandering out onto the battlefield, saying very brave things while brandishing said Very Fancy swords, and then retreating before anybody stood a chance of getting really hurt. Not a bad way to spend an afternoon really.

That was all well over by 1521, however. I should also add that Peter really would fight just about anything if he thought he could get a port out of it. When he came to the throne, Russia's only useful port was Archangel, which was covered by ice for most of the year. In his ill-considered, often entirely unjustified wars against both Sweden and the Ottoman Empire, the control of some body of water was pretty much the central issue. Even when Charles XII stood within a hair's breadth of destroying him, he wouldn't surrender so long as it meant giving up his newly founded port of St. Petersburg.

The man liked boats, is what I'm saying.

- Count Dolby von Luckner

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