Thanksgiving 2013 I: Not All Quests Begin With a Step

Hey there! The Count has started a blog! It's about history and music and stuff! You should check it out!

Thanksgiving 2013 I: Not All Quests Begin With a Step

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Thanks 2013 I Dolby

With Geoff off on a bit of a Thanksgiving vacation, I was given carte blanche to do as I would, and I've been missing Christina and Descartes, so here they are! Now, of course, you've been cheated out of a third row of comics and so, if you're feeling that deficit particularly keenly, might I recommend hopping over to my NEW BLOG - it's all about history and music and humanism and all that good stuff, and right this very moment there's a piece on there about Goethe, Mozart, and Clara Schumann - oh my!!

- Count Dolby von Luckner

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