Episode 207: Swine and Punishment

Episode 207: Swine and Punishment

Ep 207 Dolby

I've said before that befriending Frederick was just about as good a way as any to get yourself prematurely deaded. He did, though, always keep his lost friends dearly in his heart, contrary to the above. He provided decent pensions for the families of the deceased, and looked back on his days with them as the happiest of his life. So, if he actually had a Mumblemutton, chances are he'd remember.

This was not the general rule for monarchs. In the depths of the American War of Independence, George III suddenly fired a small batch of his attendants, not because THEY were Whigs, but because they had Whig FRIENDS.

Anyway, if you're a little hazy on the big Sixteenth Century arc, HERE is a good place to begin to refresh your memory!

- Count Dolby von Luckner

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