Episode 42: The Catechism of the Duvet

Episode 42: The Catechism of the Duvet

Ep 42 Dolby

"So when I need one, I'll have TWO!" pretty much sums up my entire philosophy towards the acquisition of material items.

That being said, Erasmus of Rotterdam was a Mensch. While Martin Luther and the Pope were busy calling everybody who slightly disagreed with them the Antichrist and the Instantiation of All Worldly Evil, Erasmus was just kicking back, weighing both sides of the issue and coming to the conclusion that, in fact, in all likelihood, the Antichrist had better things to do than engage in pamphlet wars over transubstantiation and infant baptism.

In a century of megalomaniacal dicks, Erasmus was hardly a condescending, self-hating, braying ass at all. And that's saying something.

- Count Dolby von Luckner

Ep 42 Geoff

The night after I finished layout on this episode, but before I colored it, I had a dream that I had already colored everything in this episode except for the quilts. I have no idea what this dream meant, aside from the fact that I was working too close to my bedtime, but using the magic of a free "dream dictionary" on the internet, I can play at interpreting it.

Apparently, quilts mean harmony and comfort. The color and patterns of the quilt are important, and a soiled quilt means "carelessness in dress and manner."

Dreams in black and white mean all kinds of depressing things, mostly sadness and depression.

Dreams about a black and white quilt? Ummm... I guess I'm depressed about harmony? Or a sad and sloppy man-child? Or maybe that I didn't know what colors anabaptist quilts were, so I wasn't sure how to color them?


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